Contact Your MP
MPs only take action if they’re pressed by constituents. That’s why CFA encourages our supporters to contact their MPs about any and every issue that is important to them.
FIND YOUR MP HERE and contact them today!
Let us Contact Your MP
Contacting your MP is one of the quickest and most effective ways of helping Canada Family Action. We are part of a Canada-wide movement, and our government officials need to know it. If you are unsure of how to find your MP through the link provided above, we can help you. Fill out the form below.
To make it easy for you to contact your MP, we have provided two options.
- You can use our contact form to the left to write a letter to your MP and click “Send to your MP”.
- If you’d like to use your own email or write a physical letter, use the following steps.
Click here to find your MP and his or her contact information. Enter your postal code and press Search.
Send your MP an email or a letter.
Repeat! Contact your MP about other issues you care about. You can also contact the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, and our Senators.